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Communication Plan and - Matrix


The main purpose of this solution is to assist organizations to develop and implement a communication plan and - matrix to ensure effective communication to (internal - and or external) stakeholders about an organization initiative. The communication plan and - matrix concern a systematic approach to provide stakeholders with information. The plan and matrix formally define who should be given specific information, when information should be delivered, and which communication channels will be used to deliver the information.


Communication plays a vital role in change management. In this regard effective communication can help break down resistance to change by getting everyone on the same page and helping stakeholders become engaged and endorse the need for change and the steps being taken to bring it about.


Management Advisors’ approach regarding this solution consists of the following key steps which are:


Step-1: draft communication plan

Step-2: draft communication matrix

Step-3: provide implementation support regarding the execution of communication plan and - matrix


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